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I prioritize quality, consistency, and creativity

Zen is a student at Kolese De Britto High School Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He was born on May 21 2005 in Sidoarjo, East Java. He began his private film project since he was in elementary school. He uploaded his film on YouTube and Instagram. Zen released “Creativity”, a 15-second short movie on his Instagram @zenartwork last June 28, 2020. Lonely Wolf Film Festival has seen this film and decided to invite him to the Lonely Wolf Film Festival in London. Adrian Perez, The Director of Lonely Wolf said that “Creativity” so fantastic. Zen was very happy and went into his film project “Flashback”. Zen studied by himself and he said he wanted to be a cinematographer like Roger Deakins, Emmanuel Lubezki, and Hoyte van Hoytema who worked as the cinematographer of Skyfall, 1917 and Blade Runner 2049, Interstellar, Gravity, The Revenant, etc. In the future, he wants to be a student at a foreign Film School.


I’m always looking for the next opportunity to improve my skill through my work. I like using my creative mind in new ways, and am constantly looking for new sources of inspiration to stay on top of what’s happening.

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